
Calling the overthrow of Yanukovych a U.S. coup is true, and extremely important.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Eric Zuesse

On February 25th, Elon Musk tweeted “That election was arguably dodgy, but no question that there was indeed a coup.” By “That election,” he was referring to Viktor Yanukovych’s having won the Presidency of Ukraine in an election about which even the British Guardian newspaper had headlined on 8 February 2010, “Yanukovych set to become president as observers say Ukraine election was fair”, and it made clear that even Western international observers there were testifying to the authenticity of that electoral win by Yanukovych, such as by its reporting that, “Observers from the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) said there were no indications of serious fraud and described the vote as an ‘impressive display’ of democracy.” However, Elon Musk, without citing any evidence, was now saying otherwise: that Yanukovych’s win had been “arguably dodgy” — and (despite that tweet) he provided no argument at all to back up that ‘arguably’ allegation.

Only fools cite tweets that have no links to any evidence, as being evidence for anything other than that the tweeter had made that given assertion. As a general rule, tweets are the least-reliable source of information. Certainly Musk’s tweet was. However, he also said there that there was “no question that there was indeed a coup.” Anyone who has at all followed the evidence on that matter knows that it unquestionably WAS a coup that overthrew Yanukovych in February 2014; and even the head of the “private-CIA” firm Stratfor said on 19 December 2014 that the overthrow of Yanukovych that had occurred then was “the most blatant coup in history.” It was that, because the evidence that it was is not only this smoking gun that it was a U.S. coup, but because there was plenty more of high quality evidence and all of it showed the same thing: it was a coup by (or “on behalf of”) the Obama Administration. (Obama and his team, and all ‘allied’ countries, however, and all of the Western news-media, called it instead a ‘democratic revolution’. This is George Orwell’s 1984 made real. It’s not real history, but real deceit.)

The fools who follow Musk’s opinions should know that he himself thinks that coups are just fine: when Elon Musk received on 24 July 2020 a tweet from an “Armani” saying, “You know what wasnt in the best interest of people? the U.S. government organizing a coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia so you could obtain the lithium there [for Tesla cars’ batteries].” Later that day, Musk replied:

“We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.”

He likes coups that profit himself personally, but apparently there are some coups that he disfavors — and he doesn’t ever explain (or at least not honestly) why. Maybe, for twitter-followers, “why” just isn’t an interesting question? (Maybe that’s why they use social media — instead of articles like this, that link to their primary sources — to ‘know’ what’s ‘going on’ in ‘the news’?)

Musk’s stupid tweet about Ukraine was likewise in response to something that one of his followers had tweeted: He was responding to one of his twitter followers, “KanekoaTheGreat” having tweeted quoting Professor John Mearsheimer’s having said in the September/October 2014 issue of America’s most prestigious — and strongly pro-U.S.-empire or “neoconservative” or pro-Military-Industrial-Complex — Foreign Affairs magazine, “For Putin, the illegal overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected and pro-Russian president—which he rightly labeled a “coup”—was the final straw.” Ultimately, that’s what Musk was responding to — not the evidence, but instead the opinion there, in that prestigious, overwhelmingly pro-U.S.-coups and empire, magazine, from (as it turns out) a professor who was arguing that the coup had been merely (and only) a mistake:

On February 17th, under the headline “John Mearsheimer’s Misrepresentations In Order To Be Allowed Space On U.S. Propaganda-Media (i.e., U.S. ‘News’-Media)”, I had pointed out numerous distortions of the historical record regarding that coup — such as his alleging it to have been due to a “flawed view” (not a vicious, or even just a “false” view, but merely “flawed” — and he doesn’t so much as hint at in what way “flawed”) including “such liberal principles as the rule of law, economic interdependence, and democracy,” which “went awry in Ukraine [and, again, he doesn’t hint at in what way ‘awry’],” and on and on — as-if it weren’t what it actuallhy WAS: which was the U.S. Government’s bipartisan neoconservative obsession to trap Russia’s Government, to checkmate it, into its being forced to yield, finally and inexorably, to the control by the U.S. Government. That’s imperialism — and there wasn’t a word about it — except one passing reference, which was 180 degrees in the false direction: against actually the victim-country, NOT against the aggressor:

In September 2013, Gershman wrote in The Washington Post, “Ukraine’s choice to join Europe will accelerate the demise of the ideology of Russian imperialism that Putin represents.” He added: “Russians, too, face a choice, and Putin may find himself on the losing end not just in the near abroad but within Russia itself.”

And that distractionary and deceptive reference is to Russia’s ‘imperialism’, NOT to America’s own authentic hyper-imperialism that Russia is now responding to (and which imperialism entails a military budget that now (including what’s hidden in non-‘Defense’-Department agencies but is still for military purposes) is half of the entire world’s military spending, and it pays for 900 foreign military bases and much more that is counterproductive if it has any real impact at all on protecting U.S. national security. (It’s not “the Defense Department”; it is “the Aggression Department.”)

This is the hidden reality: and neither Musk nor Mearsheimer, nor any other mouthpiece of the U.S. Establishment or the “Deep State” lets its audience in on it — and on the EVIDENCE that this IS the reality.

The U.S. coup against and that grabbed Ukraine was a very intentional, and very evil — not at all unintentional or ‘by mistake’ — U.S. coup, and Putin is being villainized in U.S.-and-allied media for finally responding to it in Russia’s case. Not ONLY was it “a coup” but it was a U.S. coup, and it was by careful and evil design, no mere (nor Mearsheimer) ‘error’.

This is — on steroids — the 1962 Cuban-Missile-Crisis in reverse: Ukraine is only a 300-mile or five-minute missile-flying-time distance away from The Kremlin and decapitation of Russia’s ability to fire-off its retaliatory weapons (within less than five minutes) against a U.S. blitz-attack. Russia needs to prevent that.

“The West” — including all of NATO — are 100% the aggressors in this matter. And that fact is unmentionable in U.S.-and-allied media.

To top it all off: on February 25th, another budding U.S. politician, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, is apparently entering the U.S. Presidential primaries campaiging for the Republican (traditional fascist) nomination, by tweeting:

The main thing should be the main thing: focus on China. China wants the Ukraine war to last as long as possible to deplete Western military capacity before invading Taiwan. It’s working: we think we *look* stronger by helping Ukraine, but we actually *become* weaker vs. China.

Perhaps in foreign affairs, while the Democrats (liberal fascists) will be campaigning for war against Russia to precede war against China, the Republicans (conservative fascists) will be campaigning for war against China to precede war against Russia. It’ll be a contest about which ‘enemy’ to hate first. Either way, the owners of mega-corporations such as Lockheed Martin and ExxonMobil will be beaming. They’re the real constituency in this ‘democracy’.

It’s like: Will the flavor be chocolate, or will it be vanilla? Either way, it’ll be loaded with sugar, artificial flavoring, and artificial coloring, and will fatten you, and rot your teeth, just the same, no matter how different the taste is. And those are the only two ‘choices’. That’s all the billionaires are offering, in the political market. Truth isn’t anywhere on the menu, from either Party.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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February 27, 2023

The overthrow of the democratically elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych, should be called for what it was, a Jewish led Coup d’état (Jew d’état!). The coup was orchestrated by Victoria Nuland (Jewish) who’s surnames should read Nudelman Kagan, as she is married to Robert Kagan (Jewish) who is the co-founder of the neoconservative think tank ‘Project for the New American Century’, which lobbied for so called liberal interventionism.  Viktor Yanukovych was replaced with Petro Poroshenko (Jewish). Poroshenko’s father was a Jew named Valtzman and he adopted his mothers surname ‘Poroshenko’, who is also reported to be Jewish.  The Jewish president… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Crass
Reply to  Eric Zuesse
February 27, 2023

“Biden is a Catholic, and….”

Really! are we talking about the same Joe “I am a Zionist” Biden? 

Joe Biden is the definition of a Shabbos goy, who is obviously blackmailed with Pedophilia by Mossad, just like a plethora of politicians where by the Jeffrey Epstein (Mossad) child sex blackmail operation.

Last edited 1 year ago by Crass
Reply to  Eric Zuesse
February 27, 2023

They are obviously not Christians if they are Zionists. The only reason why they have not converted already, is because a Rabbi would have to preform a Circumcision on them, and suck off the skin with his mouth! I am not making this up.

So they are happy to remain Shabbos goy, and the financial perks that come with.

Last edited 1 year ago by Crass
Smoking Eagle
Smoking Eagle
Reply to  Eric Zuesse
February 28, 2023

Pew Research.

USamerican Jews.JPG
Reply to  Eric Zuesse
February 27, 2023

It seems like I touched a nerve!

I suspect you are also Jewish, Eric Zuesse? Which I have suspected for a very long time, by reading between the lines of your articles.

Last edited 1 year ago by Crass
Reply to  Eric Zuesse
February 27, 2023

..obsessive hatred of Jews..” That is ridiculous. 

I simply pointed out that Yanukovych was overthrown by a Jewish led Coup d’état, and I posted evidence. 

If the main players in the Ukrainian Coup d’état were Wahhabi Saudis or Han Chinese Buddhists, you would have had no problem with me stating these facts, and you would have included this relevant information in your article. 

But the fact the main instigators of the Coup d’état were Jewish, is verboten for you. 

Last edited 1 year ago by Crass
Reply to  Eric Zuesse
February 27, 2023

Obama was a Jewish Media creation, and he certainly did the bidding of Jewish suprematists for their Greater Israel Project, with his terrorist attacks on the sovereign nation of Syria.  The Obama regimes attack on Syria, obviously did not benefit the people of the United States, and if the state of Syria had been overthrowing by the Islamic head choppers, and the black flag flown over Damascus, Israel would have benefited the most. Syria would have been labelled a failed terrorist state, and Israel would have got to permanently keep the Golan Heights, that they stole from Syria, as Syria… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Crass
Reply to  Crass
February 27, 2023

I wonder if Eric Zuesse thinks that AIPAC is an impotent group that has very little influence on American Politics?

Reply to  Crass
February 27, 2023

“Hate” is one of their favorite pejoratives. If you state an unpleasant truth about someone, it’s because you “hate” them. Nonsense.

February 27, 2023

“This is — on steroids — the 1962 Cuban-Missile-Crisis in reverse: Ukraine is only a 300-mile or five-minute missile-flying-time distance away from The Kremlin and decapitation of Russia’s ability to fire-off its retaliatory weapons (within less than five minutes) against a U.S. blitz-attack. Russia needs to prevent that.” Every conceivable Nuclear first strike against Russia, has obviously been meticulous played out in Nuclear War simulators by the Russian Strategic Command and Control, and in the unlikely event of a successful Nuclear first strike on Russia’s Political leaders, the General Staff has direct access to the Nuclear codes, and can initiate… Read more »

February 27, 2023

If I have a moan about Putin it is because he waited 8 yrs before coming to the aide of the people of Donbas, who where being shelled and murdered by the Kiev Nazis, thousands died, but you won’t here any of this by the MSM.

The West – the evil empire. World order and propaganda and narrative control. Also 9/11, my generation and Nord Stream.

Across the Pond 2; Feb. 25, 2023